Leeds Training

Solace aims to share its expertise with a wide range of organisations for the benefit of refugees and asylum seekers.  Our training is based on over 15 years of working exclusively with people fleeing persecution and war, and has evolved in line with what our clients have told us is helpful to them.

Scroll down to see the courses we have planned and book a place. 

For those working outside of the Leeds area click HERE for more information about bespoke training, supervision and consultancy support.

***Please note these courses are free as they funded by Leeds NHS and Leeds City Council for the benefit of people volunteering or working in Leeds – Your organisation must be based in Leeds to register a place.***

Understanding Factors Impacting Wellbeing in Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Monday 16th September 2024 10am – 12.45pm at Manor House, Manor Street, Leeds, LS7 1PZ

This training is for anyone working in Leeds, West Yorkshire in the field of mental health who would like to understand more about refugees and asylum seekers and specifically how to support them better.

You can register here

Registration is essential as places are limited

For more information about the course click here

Wellbeing at Work: An introduction to Stress & Trauma, Vicarious Trauma and Vicarious Resilience

Monday 30th September 2024 – 9.30am – 12.30pm at Manor House, Manor Street, Leeds, LS7 1PZ

The trauma we bear witness to in our work, directly or indirectly, undoubtedly affects us. The purpose of this training is to understand how it affects us and what we can do about it

You can register here

Registration is essential as places are limited

For more information about the course click here

Working with Interpreters in a Mental Health Setting

Wednesday 18th September 2024 10.00am – 12.30pm Online

You can register here

For more information about the course click here

If you work or volunteer in a mental health or wellbeing support practice in Leeds, and may need to use interpreters for patients or service users with limited English language, this course will benefit you.